Special Book pricing for Ditch Lane Diaries ebooks and print editions during the first quarter.
Ruby’s Choice (Ditch Lane Diaries 1) https://books2read.com/RubysChoiceDitchLaneDiaries1
Anna’s Way (Ditch Lane Diaries 2) https://books2read.com/AnnasWayDitchLaneDiaries2
Sandy’s Story (Ditch Lane Diaries 3) https://books2read.com/SandysStoryDitchLaneDiaries3
Lee’s Lesson (Ditch Lane Diaries 4) https://books2read.com/LeesLessonDitchLaneDiaries4
Also, BookSweeps has drawn the winner for the most recent giveaway. I will announce the winners on my Facebook page when I receive them.
I will have new updates in February on my writing projects.
Happy Reading this week!
“May Love Light the Way!”
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