Read ATTRA Chronicles (short story) for Free.
After capturing a known galaxy smuggler, Alien Time Travel Research Agency (ATTRA) Tracker Commander Ruben returns to Lunar City with his talking alien dog Klock. Prince Aelius contacts him and initiates a new project to protect Cradon, a royal, from Olzin. Ruben, and his team, Charlie, Saira, and Klock, return to Earth. After meeting the alien, their team encounters resistance to intervene in the interspecies conflict with The Reptilian Hybrids (The RH Squad). Charlie gets shot, and Ruben’s world starts to crumble. He loves Charlie, but he’s been afraid to tell her, and now he could lose her.
Charlie’s been in love with Ruben since she fell into a naturally occurring time portal at Woodstock. He trains her to become a Tracker; they become partners, leading to a deeper relationship. Charlie is tough as nails, but her patience runs thin with Ruben’s inability to commit. Should she stay with Ruben or move on? The Olizn mission to protect Cradon opens the door to many revelations that will change her future, and everyone else’s on the team. How?
Only time will tell.
I trust you enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday.
I didn’t cook a traditional dinner. Instead, I opted for steaks and baked potatoes. I love entertaining my family. My boys watched football with the volume down so we could play music. I took off a couple of days, and we all went to the Titans game on Sunday. We lost, but fun anyway.
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Happy Reading,

“May Love Light the Way!”
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